
On the basis of the clinical and laboratory observations made on 123 patients followed over a period of years, a recent communication from this clinic 1 discussed the prognosis in early and late asymptomatic neurosyphilis from the standpoint of the development of clinical neurosyphilis. Within an observation period averaging seven years, it was found that grave and disabling forms of neurosyphilis had developed in 15 per cent of these patients, symptoms or signs permitting a tentative diagnosis of neurosyphilis had developed in an additional 30 per cent, and 4.8 per cent had died of neurosyphilis. It seemed probable that if prolonged observation were made many of the remaining patients of the original 123 would be found to be candidates for a similar fate. Reference was made to the observation of Fuchs, 2 who, on the basis of much more limited material, came to similar conclusions with regard to syphilitic

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