
Seizure recurrence after anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) incites concerns of whether seizures will eventually be successfully controlled. Our study evaluated the prognostic significance of seizure recurrence in the first year after ATL. The postoperative courses of 175 consecutive patients who had undergone ATL and had > or =2 years of follow-up were studied. Recurrence was considered early if the first seizure occurred within 7 days after ATL and late if it occurred >7 days after ATL. Recurrent seizures were considered provoked when precipitating factors were present, such as interruption of antiepileptic drug (AED) intake. Subsequent outcome was determined at terminal follow-up. Percentage of excellent outcome was comparable between patients whose initial recurrent seizures were auras or simple partial seizures and patients without seizure recurrence in the first year (86.7 vs. 93.1%; p > or = 0.05). However, percentage of excellent outcome was less when the initial recurrent seizure was complex partial, either with or without secondary generalization (44.8%; p < or = 0.01). Outcome was not different between early and late seizure recurrence (excellent in 41.7 vs. 55.7%; p > or = 0.05). Nonetheless, patients with either early or late seizure recurrence were less likely to have excellent outcome than were patients with no seizure recurrence in the first year (p < or = 0.001). Percentage of excellent outcome was best when patients were seizure free in the first year (93.1%), intermediate when initial recurrent seizure was provoked (72.0%), and worst when unprovoked (27.8%) (p < or = 0.001). In the first postoperative year, the type of initial recurrent seizure, whether aura or complex partial and whether provoked or unprovoked, is associated with long-term prognosis in seizure control after ATL. The timing of the initial seizure recurrence is not as important.

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