
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a chronic progressive multifactorial disease characterized by a degenerative process in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Bruch's membrane and choriocapillaris of the fovea with secondary neuroepithelial (NE) damage. Intravitreal administration of drugs that inhibit VEGF is recognized as the only treatment for exudative form of AMD. Literature data is limited, and do not allow drawing conclusions about the influence of various factors (identified using OCT in the EDI mode) on the development of various subtypes of atrophy and their progression, so we decided to conduct our own study and research the possible timing and risks of developing various subtypes of macular atrophy in patients with exudative AMD receiving anti-VEGF therapy. As a result of the study, it was revealed that general macular atrophy (p=0.005) has a predominant effect on BCVA in the first year of the follow-up, while subtypes of atrophy anatomically less pronounced at one year of the follow-up manifest themselves only in the second year of the follow-up (p<0.05). Although color photography and autofluorescence are currently the only approved methods for assessing the degree of atrophy, the use of OCT may reveal reliable precursor endpoints that will facilitate and allow earlier and more accurate assessment of neurosensory tissue loss resulting from the atrophy. Thus, the development of macular atrophy is influenced by such parameters of disease activity as intraretinal fluid (p=0.006952), RPE detachment (p=0.001530) and the type of neovascularization (p=0.028860), as well as neurodenegerative changes in the form of drusen (p=0.011259) and cysts (p=0.042023). The new classification of atrophy according to the degree and localization of the lesion allows more differentiated conclusions about the effect of anti-VEGF drugs on the development of certain types of atrophy, which can be a decisive factor in determining the treatment tactics.

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