
To investigate the efficacy of surgery followed by adjuvant radiotherapy and the prognostic factors affecting the results of treatment in hypopharyngeal carcinoma. A retrospective review of 149 patients with hypopharyngeal carcinoma that received surgical treatment from Jun 2003 to Jun 2010 was accomplished. In the 149 patients, the site of origin were pyriform sinus (n = 121), posterior pharyngeal wall (n = 21) and postcricoid (n = 7). According to UICC 2002 criteria, there were 3 in stage I, 15 in stage II, 29 in stage III and 102 in stage IV. Surgical methods for primary tumor were: pyriform sinus resection or posterior pharyngeal wall resection in 22 cases, partial pharyngectomy and partial laryngectomy in 29 cases, partial pharyngectomy and total laryngectomy in 67 cases, total pharyngectomy and total laryngectomy in 16 cases, total pharyngolaryngectomy and partial esophagus resection in 12 cases, and total esophagus resection in 3 cases. All the patients received elective and/or radical neck dissection. Unilateral or bilateral thyroid lobectomy was performed in 98 cases. Eighty-seven patients received intensity modulation radiated therapy (IMRT) postoperatively in the cancer center of Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University. Individualized adjustment of the radiation field was made according to the surgical condition. Forty-nine cases received radiotherapy in other hospitals (dose 50-70 Gy). Laryngeal function was restored in 51 patients (34.2%). The risk clinicopathological factors of survival and the causes of death were analyzed. The survival rate was calculated with Kaplan-Meier method. The overall 3- and 5- year survival rates were 47.7% and 38.7%, respectively. There were no significant differences in 3-year survival between T1-2 and T3-4 groups, N0 and N+ groups, stage I-II and III-IV groups, laryngeal function preserved and unpreserved groups. The overall 3 years survival rate of patients received surgery and adjuvant radiotherapy was higher than those just received surgery alone (χ² = 6.851, P < 0.05). The 3-year survival rate in patients treated in comprehensive treatment group has showed a good trend, although still no statistical significance (χ² = 0.176, P > 0.05). The cause of death in 86 patients, including regional lymph nodes recurrence in 25 cases (29.1%). Of them, one was stoma recurrence and 9 were retropharyngeal lymph nodes metastasis; distant metastasis in 19 cases (22.1%); local recurrence in 13 cases, local or regional recurrence with distant metastasis in 8 cases (9.3%), and second primary cancer in 6 cases (7.0%). The overall prognosis of hypopharyngeal carcinoma was poor and dismal. In accordance with specific conditions of surgery, active adjustment of the personalized protocol of IMRT was the key of improving the efficacy of hypopharyngeal carcinoma.

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