
Long human ultra-conserved non-coding elements (UCNEs) do not have any sequence similarity to each other or other characteristics that make them unalterable during vertebrate evolution. We hypothesized that UCNEs have unique dinucleotide (DN) composition and arrangements compared to the rest of the genome. A total of 4272 human UCNE sequences were analyzed computationally and compared with the whole genomes of human, chicken, zebrafish, and fly. Statistical analysis was performed to assess the non-randomness in DN spacing arrangements within the entire human genome and within UCNEs. Significant non-randomness in DN spacing arrangements was observed in the entire human genome. Additionally, UCNEs exhibited distinct patterns in DN arrangements compared to the rest of the genome. Approximately 83% of all DN pairs within UCNEs showed significant (>10%) non-random genomic arrangements at short distances (2-6 nucleotides) relative to each other. At the extremes, non-randomness in DN spacing distances deviated up to 40% from expected values and were frequently associated with GpC, CpG, ApT, and GpG/CpC dinucleotides. The described peculiarities in DN arrangements have persisted for hundreds of millions of years in vertebrates. These distinctive patterns may suggest that UCNEs have specific DNA conformations.

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