
This study aims to analyze the profitability and risk of the catfish breeding business in the catfish farmer group in Sleman district, Sleman district, Yogyakarta. Respondents were selected using the census method because the number of population members was less than 30 people. The results of the profitability analysis using the Expense Structure Ratio (ESR), show that the ESR is 0.041, which means that the fixed costs used in production are 4.1% of the total cost. Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of 1.304 which shows that every 1 Rupiah in catfish farming investment will generate a profit of 30.4%. The results of the Gross Margin Ratio of 0.265 indicate that the breeding cultivation business provides a gross margin of 26.5% of the remaining income after paying direct costs related to production. From the results of the risk analysis, it was found that the income risk opportunities faced were 14.4% in each harvest season, the magnitude of the risk opportunities due to the increase in feed prices was 5.55%, and the risk of loss due to production fluctuations was 0.28. This study recommends that catfish farming farmers need to ensure the expenditure of production costs and strive to overcome risks both from internal and external factors.

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