
The objective of this paper was to analyze the metabolic model for the monitoring and management of gestational diabetes. This is a descriptive, retrospective and obser­va­tio­nal study, based on the medical records from the database of the “Alessandrescu-Rusescu” Institute for Maternal and Child Health, Bucharest. There were included 157 patients who showed up for consult in every trimester of pregnancy. Fat accumulation during pregnancy is variable and may de­pend on the woman’s pre-pregnancy metabolic status and other lifestyle variables such as diet and physical ac­ti­vi­ty. Pregnancy represents a critical period of growth, de­velop­ment and physiological change, providing an op­por­tu­nity for early lifestyle intervention. The goal of iden­ti­fying an effective lifestyle program for the gestational pe­riod that leads to healthy fetal development and sub­sequent normal weight offspring less likely to develop obe­si­ty and its co­mor­bi­di­ties is unique and could mitigate the in­ter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal cycle of obesity. The main objective in the manage­ment of obesity during pregnancy is prevention. Ba­si­­cal­ly, apart from pre-conceptional weight loss in the ma­nage­­ment of obese pregnant women, glucose screening should be con­si­dered in obese women in early pregnancy to rule out un­diagnosed pregestational diabetes.

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