
An occupational accident involving exposure to biological material is characterized by worker's contact with organic fluids during the working day and in Brazil it is considered a condition of compulsory declaration. To analyze the profile of victims of occupational accident involving exposure to biological material in the city of Palmas, state of Tocantins, from 2010 to 2020. Descriptive cross-sectional study using the Notifiable Diseases Information System. During the study period, there were 1,173 notifications, most of which were female (80.10%), aged from 20 to 49 years (90.20%), and worked as statutory civil servants (44.50%). Percutaneous exposure was the most common type of accident, and blood was the main route of contamination (81.59%). Most victims evolved with discharge without serological conversion (66.92%), and 18.5% withdrew follow-up. The most frequent circumstance was improper disposal on the floor (12.45%). Health care professionals were the most involved in occupational accidents with biological material (79.02%) compared with professionals from other areas, with a predominance of nursing professionals (60.35%). The findings of this study reiterate training in the prevention of occupational accidents involving exposure to biological material is necessary for all jobs involving exposure to this type of material, regardless of the area, as well as changes in work organization so as to reduce the presence of risk factors for this type of injury.

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