
Lasek-Bal Anetta. Profile of risk factors for stroke: sex- and age-related differences. Journal of Health Sciences. 2014;4(15):19-28. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2014%3B4%2815%29%3A19-28 http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/article/view/2014%3B4%2815%29%3A19-28 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/513212 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13376 http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13376 The journal has had 5 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland parametric evaluation. Part B item 1107. (17.12.2013). © The Author (s) 2014; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Radom University in Radom, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. Conflict of interest: None declared. Received: 15.11.2014. Revised 05.12.2014. Accepted: 10.12.2014. Profile of risk factors for stroke: sex- and age-related differences Anetta Lasek-Bal Department of Neurology, Medical University of Silesia Hospital No. 7, Upper Silesian Medical Centre, Katowice, Poland School of Health Science, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland Keywords: risk factor, stoke, gender. Abstract The objective of the study was to compare the incidence of key risk factors of stroke in men and women with first-ever stroke. Material and methods: The study included 511 patients ( F/M 304/207 aged 32-100 years with stroke. The incidence of the following diseases was analyzed: arterial hypertension, lipid disorders, coronary artery disease, atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, carotid and/or cerebral artery stenosis and age of the occurrence of stroke. Results: The age at which first-ever stroke occurred was higher in women (p 55 years old. Among patients ≤ age of 55, men suffered significantly more often from arterial hypertension, lipid disorders , coronary artery disease and diabetes . Among patients > 55, lipid disorders and diabetes occurred significantly more frequently in women . Age had significant effect on the incidence of HA (OR=3.46,CI 1.69-7.07, p=0.0006), CAD (OR=3.40,CI 1.69-6.84, p=0.0006), AF (OR=2.73,CI 1.13-6.62, p=0.025), DM (OR=2.29,CI 1.16-4.53, p=0.016). Among men, there was a higher proportion of patients with carotid/cerebral artery stenosis (p=0,0065) and among women; there were also more patients with cardiogenic stroke (p=0,0014). Conclusions: There are sex-dependent differences in the incidence of key risk factors of stroke. Women more frequently suffer from cardiogenic stroke and men more often from stroke associated with artery diseases. The lower incidence of cardiovascular system diseases and metabolic disorders in young women can be the reason for the older age at which first-ever stroke occurs.

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