
In the last decade, there has been an increase in the consumption of drugs of abuse (DA) globally, considered a serious public health problem and, due to this abuse, there has been an increase in the occurrences of intoxications by these substances. Thus, the objective was to build an epidemiological profile of Brazilian intoxications due to DA. Therefore, a compilation of data about poisoning by DA in the National System of Toxic-Pharmacological Information (SINITOX) occurring between 1999 and 2017 was performed, evaluating variables of age group, circumstance, occurrence zones, gender, evolution and deaths. Additionally, a data survey was carried out in the DATASUS - SINAN (Information System for Notifiable Diseases) database, looking for the same parameters, in order to carry out a comparison between the databases. According to the data obtained, it was found that the profile of intoxication by DA is composed mainly of young men aged 20-29 years, coming from urban areas who become intoxicated, mainly by abuse as the main circumstance of intoxication. Intoxications evolve, mainly to cure without sequelae, with less recurrent deaths. Such results are compatible with other studies on DA poisoning. It is a relevant study to know the Brazilian profile on this type of intoxication, considering that it makes it possible to identify potential risk conditions to which individuals are exposed, and thus prioritize strategies to propose preventive measures in these cases of intoxication. However, caution is needed when analyzing the information from the two databases analyzed (SINITOX and DATASUS), as both have gaps.

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