
Breast diseases in women, whether benign or malignant, are very commonly encountered. Benign diseases are under reported and cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality in women. This study was undertaken with an aim to study the profile of various breast disease in the community. In this observational study all the post pubertal women residing in the selected village (n=1000) were included. The study was done from September 2013 to August 2015. A thorough history taking was done with the help of a predesigned proforma followed by a clinical breast examination and further investigation at our hospital if necessary. It was found in this study that mastalgia, both cyclical and non-cyclical as well as lumps were a common finding in the general population. Significant proportions of women were found to be in the peri-menopausal age group. Median age of menarche was 13 years; menopause was 45 years. The average age at first childbirth was 21 years with 1 year being the median duration of breast-feeding. A total of 128 women (1 in 8) had positive symptomatology with 94 (1 in 11) of them having a breast disease on examination. One was diagnosed with breast cancer. The prevalence of cyclical mastalgia was 1 in 11, non-cyclical mastalgia 1 in 34, fibroadenosis 1 in 23 and fibroadenoma 1 in 100. The awareness regarding risk factors and the availability of screening program was very poor. The average age of presentation of mastalgia was 34 years; fibroadenosis was 35 years and fibroadenoma 29 years. None of the women interacted with or had consulted a practitioner regarding mastalgia as it was not perceived to be a sign of malignancy and did not cause any significant discomfort. It was thus concluded from this study that benign breast diseases are a common occurrence in the general population. Breast cancer continues to be diagnosed only at later stages owing to lack of awareness and inadequately structured screening program. The concept of self-breast examination seems to be poorly understood. CBE is more fruitful with subsequent radiological and histopathological investigation, if warranted.

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