
In Maharashtra state, nearly 82 per cent area of the state falls in rainfed sector and 52 per cent area is drought prone. To mitigate drought in Maharashtra, state government specially launched Jalyukt Shivar Campaign in December, 2014. In Vidarbha, drought is the major challenge hence the research objective was formulated to study profile of beneficiary farmers of Jalyukt Shivar Campaign in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra state. An ex-post facto research design of social research was used for present investigation. The study was conducted in Nagpur and Yavatmal district in month of October and November, 2020, with 320 beneficiary farmers of Jalyukt Shivar Campaign. The findings revealed that, more than half of the respondents (54.69%) were belonged to middle age i.e. between 36 to 50 years. Majority of the respondents (70.00%) were engaged in agriculture as their main occupation for earning. Slightly more than two fifth of the respondents (40.63%) had annual income in the range of Rs. 2,36,001/- to 4,02,000/-. Nearly two fifth of the respondents (39.06%) from study area belonged to small land holding 1.01 to 2.00 ha. Majority of the respondents (70.63%) were belonged to medium category of social participation. Majority of the respondents (72.19%) were belonged to medium level of extension participation. Over three fifth of the respondents (62.50%) were using medium sources of information. Majority of the respondents (66.88%) belonged to medium innovativeness. Majority of the respondents (66.88%) belonged to medium risk preference and medium economic motivation (65.63%). It is suggested that, efforts should be made by government to involve young farmers in agricultural development programmes like Jalyukt Shivar Campaign as well as in performing farming as main occupation. For success of this campaign, extension agencies must increase participation of farmers in local social institutions, extension activities and contact with information sources outside beneficiaries social systems.

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