
Complementary feeding should be given to infants after 6 months to increase nutritional needs. Complementary feeding that is hygienic, practical to serve, and known by instant baby porridge. Toimprove the nutrition content of baby porridge can be substituted with Protein and vitamin A source such as snakehead fish (Ophiocephalus striatus ) meal and pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) flour. The purpose of this study was to determine the albumin and beta-carotene profiles of instant baby porridge substitution with 15 and 20% snakehead fish meal and 10 and 15% yellow pumpkin flour. Preparation of instant baby porridge uses dry mixing method. The ingredients that have been processed (dried) then mixed according to the variation of the formula of MP-ASI. The Instant baby porridge, that was white rice powdered, ready to eat after brewed with hot water ± 60oC at a ratio of 1 : 1. The results showed that the best formula of instant baby porridge with 20% snakehead fish meal and 15% pumpkin flour substitution, has the highest albumin and beta carotene profile, the value were 2.20% and 3.40 mg/100 g or 283.33 µg/100 g vitamin A, respectively. <br /><br />


  • Konsumsi makanan dalam jumlah dan kandungan gizi yang cukup sangat diperlukan untuk tumbuh kembang bayi

  • The purpose of this study was to determine the albumin and beta-carotene profiles of instant baby porridge substituted by 15 and 20% of snakehead fish meal and 10 and 15% of yellow pumpkin flour

  • The appearance ofinstant baby porridge was yellowness and ready to eat after brewed with hot water (±60oC) with a ratio of 1 : 1. The results showed that t instant baby porridge with 20% of snakehead fish meal and 15% of pumpkin flour substitution has the highest albumin and beta carotene profiles which the value were 2.20% and 3.40 mg/100 g or 283.33 μg/100 g vitamin A, respectively

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Kalimantan Selatan, Telepon (0511) 4772124 2Program Studi Ilmu Gizi, Universitas Muhammadiyah, Jalan Kedungmundu Raya 18, Semarang. Profil albumin dan betakaroten formula bayi instan. Bentuk MP-ASI yang higienis, praktis disajikan, dan dikenal masyarakat salah satunya adalah bubur bayi instan. Tepung ikan gabus (Ophiocephalus striatus) dan tepung labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata) dipilih sebagai sumber protein dan viatamin A (bentuk betakarotein) dalam upaya meningkatkan kandungan gizi bubur bayi instan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah menentukan profil albumin dan betakaroten formula bubur bayi instan dengan substitusi tepung ikan gabus sebesar 15 dan 20%; tepung labu kuning sebesar 10 dan 15%. Bubur bayi instan dengan spesifikasi, yaitu berupa bubuk halus berwarna kuning dan siap santap setelah diseduh dengan air panas ±60oC pada perbandingan 1:1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula bubur bayi instan dengan profil albumin dan betakaroten yang tertinggi pada formula 20% tepung ikan gabus dan 15% tepung labu kuning, yaitu dengan nilai albumin 2,20% dan betakaroten 3,40 mg/100 g atau vitamin A 283,33 μg/100 g. Kata kunci: albumin, betakroten, Cucurbita moschata, MP-ASI, Ophiocephalus striatus

Metode Penelitian
Gula halus
Bubur bayi instan
Reagen Lowry A kemudian menambahkan
Formula bubur bayi
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