
<p class="Default"><span>Autorka, wskazując na wyniki badań dotyczące zjawiska agresji dzieci i młodzieży, przedstawia konieczność podejmowania przez szkoły bardziej skutecznych działań w zakresie profilaktyki agresji. W tym celu proponuje wykorzystanie analizy transakcyjnej jako teorii psychologicznej i jej zastosowań w edukacji jako praktyki pedagogicznej. Omawia wybrane koncepcje z zakresu edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej (stany Ja, transakcje, pozycje życiowe, znaki rozpoznania, dyskontowanie i pasywność) i ich powiązania z problemem agresywności. Ukazuje, w jaki sposób wiedza na temat tych koncepcji może pomoc nauczycielom w rozumieniu źródeł agresywnych zachowań uczniów, wyborze reakcji adekwatnych do sytuacji oraz kierunków działań profilaktycznych. W artykule został przedstawiony jedynie zarys problematyki, aby przedstawić potencjał edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej jako podstawy pracy pedagogicznej nauczycieli i wychowawców, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem profilaktyki agresji. </span></p>


  • For years aggression1 in children and adolescents has been one of the most important pedagogical problems, quite often explored in social research and represented in scientific literature

  • There are many reasons for the prevalence of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents, i.a.: 1. the very essence of aggression as a psychologically multidimensional phenomenon, due to its forms, types and conditions that are addressed by a multitude of theories of aggression; 2. its social background: the impact of political, economic, and cultural factors on reducing or intensifying aggressive behaviors exhibited by individuals; 3. insufficient educational work focused on addressing and preventing aggression in educational institutions

  • The two terms are often used interchangeably ‚Transactional analysis in education’ and ‚educational transactional analysis’, there are attempts to specify their meanings. This first term is very broad - it covers all activities related to transactional analysis implemented in broadly understood education, while the latter refers primarily to educational practice based on theoretical findings of TA, but closely related to didactic and educational goals, pedagogical theories, and working conditions in educational institutions (Pankowska, 2012; Newton, 2016)

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For years aggression in children and adolescents has been one of the most important pedagogical problems, quite often explored in social research and represented in scientific literature. One can blame the school as a social institution for failing to work reliably and effectively on shaping attitudes and behaviors that reduce the level and scope of aggression The reasons for this negligence include: primacy of teaching The two terms are often used interchangeably ‚Transactional analysis in education’ and ‚educational transactional analysis’, there are attempts to specify their meanings This first term is very broad - it covers all activities related to transactional analysis implemented in broadly understood education (theoretical applications, research, training, goals and methods, etc.), while the latter refers primarily to educational practice based on theoretical findings of TA, but closely related to didactic and educational goals, pedagogical theories, and working conditions in educational institutions (Pankowska, 2012; Newton, 2016). I will try to show how knowing Ego states, transactions, life positions, strokes, discounting and passivity can help class teachers understand the essence of students’ aggression

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