
This study aims to describe the profile of knowledge, competence, and attitude of students' science and students' and teachers' responses as a result of Integrated Science lesson with Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach to the concept� of Global Warming. This research method using quasi eksperimental research. The sample in this study is the seventh grade students of SMP Sultan Agung Source academic year 2016/2017. With cluster random sampling technique, VII B class samples were selected as experimental class which was studied by CTL approach and class VII A as control class subjected to conventional learning. The instrument used is a multiple choice question test that amounts to 25 with attention to indicators leading to the science literature Frame work PISA 2015; A questionnaire of students' science stance and student responses; Teacher interview as teacher response; and observation of learning. Data analysis was performed using Excel 2010 and SPSS 22.0 for Windows. Based on the data analysis of the research results concluded that: (1) Improved students' science knowledge profile as a result of IPA learning Integrated with CTL approach on global warming concept with N-gain 0.59 medium category (2) Increase of students' science competency profile as a result of IPA learning Integrated with CTL approach on global warming concept with N-gain 0.59 medium category (3) Improved students' science attitude profile as a result of IPA learning Integrated with CTL approach on global warming concept with N-gain 0.04 low category (4) Student responses to IPA learning Integrated with CTL approach on the concept of global warming responded positively 81%. The results of this study are expected to be input in the framework of improving the quality of integrated science learning in junior highKeywords: Knowledge; Competence; Attitude;Science Literacy; Contextual� Teaching and Learning Approach (CTL)

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