
Graphic interpretation is an important part of studying science. Graph interpretation is part of a representation that shows students' conceptual understanding. This research is focused on the ability of interpretation of kinematics graph of high school student of X class one of high school in Banten. The method used is qualitative with survey technique. The sample of research is 21 students who have obtained the kinematics of straight movement. The test instrument used refers to the standard Test of Understanding Graphs-Kinematics version 2.6 (Robert J. Beichner). The results showed some of the most difficulty students sorted as follows. First, the question of no 16 is to determine the change in the velocity of the object for an accelerated object not constant but linear. Only 9.52% can answer correctly. Second, describe the position graph of the object as a function of time for a moving object with a certain acceleration (problem no 9). Only 14% of students answered correctly. Third, the determination of the change of the position of the object when the velocity of the object at all times is described in the graph (question no 4, 19%). Fourth, the instantaneous determination of the velocity of the object from the position graph as a function of time (question no 3, 29%).

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