
Background Forensic medicine plays an important role in solving the case of sexual violence. The objective of this study was to determine the profile of cases, victims and perpetrators of sexual violence who were examined in Dr. M. Djamil general hospital of Padang. Method The design of the study was descriptive. Data were obtained from medical records of sexual violence cases in Dr. M. Djamil general hospital from 2012 to 2016. Results. The highest number of sexual violence incident was in 2015 and the lowest was in 2013. The highest type of sexual violence was rape (39.3%). Children were the most frequent victims (76.4%). Most of the victims were junior high school students (22.9%). Most of the victims were not pregnant (92.1%) while hymen remains intact was about 17.1% , old torn (54.3%), new torn (10%) and 1 cases requires medical treatment (0.7%). We were conducted anal examination in 6 cases and found redness of anal in 1 case. We were conducted sperm and semen analysis and found sperm in 9 vaginal swab of the victims (6.4%). We found redness of external genitalia (15%), laceration (5%), and abrasions (9.3%) and no injuries (70.7%) There were 9 cases that show the signs of violence, bruises in 5 victims (3.6%), abrasions in 2 victims (1.4%), and laceration in 1 victim (0.7%). The age of most perpetrators in this study was adults (59.3%). Closefriend is probably the perpetrators of sexual violence (27.1%). Conclusion In this study rape is the most sexual violence cases and the majority of victims were children. Signs of violence were found in most cases and most perpetrators were closefriends.
 Keywords: sexual violence, rape, forensic


  • Forensic medicine plays an important role in solving the case of sexual violence

  • Didapatkan 9 kasus yang dilakukan pemeriksaan tanda kekerasan dan ditemukan adanya luka memar pada 5 korban (3.6%), luka lecet pada 2 korban (1.4%), dan luka terbuka pada 1 korban (0.7%)

  • Background Forensic medicine plays an important role in solving the case of sexual violence

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Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui profil kasus, korban dan pelaku kekerasan seksual yang diperiksa di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat dr. Data diperoleh dari rekam medik kasus kekerasan seksual yang diperiksa di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr M. Hasil Kejadian kekerasan seksual terbanyak tahun 2015 dan yang paling sedikit adalah pada tahun 2013. Jenis kekerasan seksual terbanyak yang ditemukan adalah perkosaan (39,3%). Pemeriksaaan anus pada 6 kasus dan ditemukan 1 korban dengan kemerahan. Didapatkan 9 kasus yang dilakukan pemeriksaan tanda kekerasan dan ditemukan adanya luka memar pada 5 korban (3.6%), luka lecet pada 2 korban (1.4%), dan luka terbuka pada 1 korban (0.7%). Usia pelaku terbanyak pada penelitian ini adalah dewasa (59,3%). Kesimpulan Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa kasus kekerasan seksual terbanyak adalah perkosaan dan korban sebagian besar adalah anak-anak. Ditemukan tanda-tanda kekerasan pada sebagian besar kasus dan pelaku terbanyak adalah pacar.

Kedokteran Forensik Fakultas
Frekuensi Kasus
WC Masjid
Tamatan SD
Tidak diketahui
Tidak ada
Sampai ke Dasar
Frekuensi Persentase
Luka Lecet
Lab Sperma
Dari data pasien yang diambil
Tidak Tamat SD
Ayah Tiri
Pertama Kali
Ditinjau Dari Perspektif
Care for Victims of Sexual
Spermatozoa Menggunakan
Collaborating Centre for
Child Abuse and Neglect
Dalam Pusaran Politik
Forensik Fakultas Kedokteran
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