
This paper presents an effective communication method for differently-Abled persons. Emotion is an important aspect in the interaction between humans. It is fundamental to human experience and rational decision-making. Generally, normal people can easily interact with one another but Sign language is the only means of communication for those who are dumb and deaf. This paper describes the design and working of a system which is used to communicate and to detect emotions of dumb and deaf. Hence by this methodology differently-abled people can able to interact with each other and also with the normal people. The dumb people use their standard sign language which is not recognizable by common people. For This purpose we are converting the sign language into voice which is easily understandable by normal people. Sensors and electrodes are used to detect the sign language and emotions that are processed by microcontroller (ATMEGA) where the in-built ADC converts the given analog signals into digital form. Then this digital signal is transmitted to PC via zig-bee. The PC produces the voice output for sign language (Differently abled to Normal people) and voice is translated into text form(normal people to Differently-Abled) and their corresponding EEG signal determines the state of mind(Happy, Sad, Frustrated, etc.)

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