
Following a long disease, on 12 December 2022,Zbigniew Wawer passed away: a historian, boasting a postdoctoraldegree, an associate professor, author of numerouspublications, and a film producer. In 2012–2017, he ran thePolish Army Museum in Warsaw, as of 2017 having becomeDirector of the Royal Łazienki Museum. The period of hiscareer connected with museology was marked by the processof establishing contacts with international partners focusedmainly on presenting research results. It was also characterizedby a high dynamics of displays meant to expose some uniqueartefacts, particularly Polonica, and of publishing projects.He considered these two aspects the most important in fulfillingthe museum’s mission. Prof. Wawer also paid similar attentionto collection extension, having demonstrated high efficiency infundraising for the purpose. Furthermore, he strongly optedfor the upgrading of his staff’s qualifications, while also seeingthe necessity to verify museum-related competences. Manymuseum curators followed his encouragement to study. Thepaper presents the profile of a widely known individual in moredetail; he was a researcher focused on revealing the historicaltruth and a museum curator frequently appreciated for hisactivity.

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