
There is no clear discussion about the role of the Administration professor-researcher in Brazil throughout his career. At the same time, in this same area, there are no defined criteria and no definitive discussions about the criteria for co-authoring. This makes the behavior of research management can guide the researcher in a way that it is understood that senior researchers tend to become managers of research groups over time and, consequently, position themselves as the last authors in the publications (Although this position is also discussed in this paper). This research deals with the author's position of teachers-researchers in their publications and what variables may influence (or not) the distribution of the authors in the byline position of the publications. Variables such as career experience, leadership in research groups and academic training will be taken into account. An initial pre-test sample was performed in a universe of 16 graduate programs in Administration in the State of São Paulo with 329 professors-researchers and more than 2,200 publications analyzed. This sample was collected at the Plataforma Lattes, CNPQ, in each of the teacher-researcher profiles of the sample. The analysis of this sample was based on all the publications of these professors-researchers in the years of 2013 and 2014 so that the analysis and collection criteria could be the same for all samples surveyed. In the sequence, a qualitative research was also carried out as a pre-test to validate the results of the quantitative phase of this present work.

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