
In the article, data on creative activity and personality of the Professor in ophthalmology Pavel Efremovich Tikhomirov are presented. Under the guidance of Academician M.I. Averbakh in the Helmholtz Moscow research institute of eye diseases, Pavel Efremovich raised through the ranks from a medical extern to Senior research fellow, Professor, Vice-Director of the institute. From 1945 to the end of his life (1964), he was the Head of the Ophthalmology chair of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene (currently the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov). P.E. Tikhomirov took part in two wars: in 19191922 served in the Red Army in the position of a regimental doctor, during the Great Patriotic War, he was a Head ophthalmologist of a Hospital Administration of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (he organized and headed the military hospital department in Moscow, took multiple missions to evacuation hospitals of the country).
 Main scientific activities of P.E. Tikhomirov: problems of the military ocular injuries, diagnosis and treatment of lacrimal system diseases, glaucoma, pre-glaucoma, and ocular tuberculosis. His writings include three monographies, two sections of the multi-volume edition on eye diseases, more than 100 scientific articles, a compendium of scientific articles Glaucoma (1960).
 Pavel Efremovich was an experienced organizer and a good psychologist. He began teaching Ophthalmology in 1933 in two Moscow institutes of higher education. During 19451964, being the Head of the Ophthalmology chair of the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene, excellent teacher and lecturer, very good clinician, Professor P.E. Tikhomirov prepared hundreds of ophthalmologists, 6 candidates of medical sciences, was a consulting specialist of three doctorate theses.
 Real professional and clinician, outstanding ophthalmic surgeon, Professor P.E. Tikhomirov during 45 years of his medical career recovered the sight of many thousands of patients and was widely well-known not only in Leningrad, but in the whole country.


  • К преподаванию офтальмологии он приступил с 1933 г. в двух вузах Москвы

  • Автор декларирует отсутствие явных и потенциальных конфликтов интересов, связанных с публикацией настоящей статьи

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Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. И.П. В статье представлены сведения о деятельности и личности врача-офтальмолога профессора Павла Ефремовича Тихомирова. Гельмгольца Павел Ефремович прошёл путь от врача-экстерна до старшего научного сотрудника, профессора, заместителя директора института. И до конца жизни (1964) он руководил кафедрой глазных болезней Ленинградского санитарно-гигиенического медицинского института Тихомиров участвовал в двух войнах: в 1919–1922 гг. Павел Ефремович был опытным организатором и хорошим психологом. За 1945–1964 гг., заведуя кафедрой офтальмологии в Ленинградском санитарногигиеническом медицинском институте, отличный педагог и лектор, прекрасный клиницист, профессор П.Е. Тихомиров за 45 лет врачебной деятельности вернул зрение многим тысячам пациентов и был широко популярен не только в Ленинграде, но и по всей стране. Ключевые слова: офтальмология; боевые повреждения глаз; слепое пятно; преглаукома; профессор Павел Ефремович Тихомиров.

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