
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Juergen Koebke is a prominent German anatomist and a long-standing Director of one of the well-ordered Anatomical institutes in Germany, this of the Medical Faculty of the University in Koeln. He is an honorary member of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society and a great friend of the Medical University of Varna. Unfortunately, he died suddenly on February 23, 2012 at the age of 66 years.The students qualify him as a lovely teacher with underlined humor feeling. A lot of physician generations and more than 200 postgraduates remember him thankfully and with respect. Unique and very important activities of Koebke were the practical courses with cadavers for training physicians from the surgical trays, in which also Bulgarians participated.The scientific interests of Professor Koebke were in the field of Topographic, Clinical and Functional Anatomy, as well as Biomechanics of the locomotor system, where he has important achievements. Professor Koebke worked very actively for deepening of the cooperation with the Bulgarian anatomists. Numerous Bulgarian colleagues have worked at his Institute. His collaboration with the University of Varna was impressive, leading to participation of numerous anatomists and orthopedists from Koeln to the 6, 7, 8 and 9 Symposia of Clinical Anatomy.Professor Koebke contributed significantly for affirmation of Koprivshtiza Morphological Days as an international event of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society. For this contribution to the Bulgarian anatomical science, in 2006 he was awarded the title `Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Anatomical Society`. He accepted this title with no hidden joy. In this respect, we express great satisfaction for the decision of the Academic Council of the Medical University - Varna to give his name to one of the dissecting halls of the Department.

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