
Alexander Sergeevich Mozzhukhin was born on August 27, 1921, in Krasnsodar in a family of an employee. After graduating with honors from high school, A.S. Mozzhukhin became a student at the Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy and completed his medical education with honors at the military faculty of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. In 1943, A.S. Mozzhukhin came to the Department of Normal Physiology of S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, with whom he connected more than 30 years of his life and in which he went from adjunct to head of the department, and scientific secretary of the academic council of the academy. The scientific activity of A.S. Mozzhukhin began in the life-giving atmosphere, which was formed at the department during the leadership of Academician L.A. Orbeli and his closest assistant A.V. Lebedinsky. All scientific activity of A.S. Mozzhukhin is an organic and natural combination of fundamental problems, physiology, psychophysiology, human biology, and practical medicine. The main scientific direction of the Department of Normal Physiology under the leadership of A.S. Mozzhukhin was on the study of the interaction of afferent systems under exposure to extreme stimuli as well as on the study of human functional reserves. In addition, a team examined the physiological cost of pedagogical activity depending on the age, seniority, psychophysical characteristics of teachers, and type of training sessions. A.S. Mozzhukhin investigated the biological effects of ionizing radiation. Together with chemist F.Yu. Rachinsky, he created a radio defense drug RS-1 and became a leading Soviet radiobiologist. A.S. Mozzhukhin created a unique scientific physiological school of the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, which scientifically proved that the adaptation process was accompanied by the formation and improvement of a specific system of functional reserves for body adaptation, and the systemic factor was the result of the activity (adaptation). A.S. Mozzhukhin, while working at P.F. Lesgaft Institute of Physical Culture, proved that functional reserves have potentials in changing the functional activity of structural elements of the body and their interaction among themselves to achieve the target result, adapt to physical and psychoemotional loads, as well as the effect of various factors of the external environment on the body. The bright memory of Alexander Sergeyevich Mozzhukhin will forever remain in the hearts of his students and followers.

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