
It is confirmed that the efficiency of an inclusive educational environment functioning is ensured by the presence of diversified psychological and pedagogical professionals and their proficient cooperation. The training of these professionals is of top priority while developing the inclusive education in Ukraine. The results obtained during the pedagogical experiment convincingly prove that the author's developed and tested methods and teaching and methodological materials allow directing the educational process to the training of the future diversified psycho-pedagogical professionals to work in the conditions of the inclusive educational environment. During the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the research and experimental work was carried out to check the effectiveness of the specialists training system of the psycho-pedagogical field to work in the conditions of functioning of the inclusive educational environment. In order to obtain empirical data and to ensure their validity, a questionnaire and methodology to diagnose the levels of formation of Bachelors' professional competence have been developed, in the context of which the criteria and levels of formation of the investigated quality have been defined, as well as the tools for its implementation have been created.

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