
The professionalization of the actors of the purchasing process has now become an essential priority for the optimization of state purchases, especially since the public order now stands at 195 MMDH, equivalent to 17.4% of GDP. Public procurement is a very sensitive area since, very often, the stakes are of such a magnitude that they have an impact on the economy, the political, the social and the environment. To this end, the professionalization of public buyers remains in Morocco, one of the ways to reduce the risks and the negative consequences in the awarding of contracts. This is why, today, more and more public administrations are called upon to resort to competent public purchasers in the field of knowledge management regarding the regulation of public contracts in order to improve their missions. To inquire about the veracity of the contribution of the professionalization of the public purchasers to the efficiency of the public order. This investigation was undertaken in the form of a questionnaire filed with 06 sub-ordonnateurin the city of Meknes. The aim is to inquire about the relationship between the professionalization of public purchasers and other three determinants, namely: a) e-procurement , b) transparency, and c) the free play of competition , and how they commonly contribute to the efficiency of the public order. The result of this article reveal that the professionalization of public buyers is a key determinant of the efficiency of public procurement.

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