
Summary The theme of this issue of Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health is “Healthcare Rights of Conscience.” The guest editor is Dr. Dennis Sullivan, a retired physician and university professor, and former director of the Center for Bioethics at Cedarville University. Dr. Sullivan's paper is entitled: “Professionalism, Autonomy , and the Right of Conscience: A Call for Balance.” He begins by contrasting modern oaths taken by today's aspiring physicians to the ancient Oath of Hippocrates from 400 BCE. He notes that the main difference is the modern notion of autonomy, missing from the original Oath but so important to the ethics of modern medical practice. He suggests, however, that while allowing patients to make their own decisions is clearly a key value, some of the key tenets of medical professionalism may get lost in the process. As a corrective, Sullivan recommends a renewed emphasis on virtue ethics, which originated with another ancient Greek source, Aristotle . With this background, Sullivan introduces the theme of this issue that of healthcare conscience rights. The Trump Administration has opened a new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division (under Health and Human Services), with new rules to allow clinicians with religious or moral objections to opt out of providing certain medical services. Navigating all of this may be difficult, however, for such accommodations are not unlimited. Conscience rights should be respected and protected by law, but patients have a right to legal treatments, and may not be abandoned by the healthcare system. Are some patients denied care as a result of conscience claims, or are they simply inconvenienced? After previewing the six papers on rights of conscience, Sullivan concludes with an appeal to professionalism that embodies the spirit of Hippocrates, but with a renewed sense of compassion and dedication to the well-being of every patient.

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