
The article is dedicated to theoretical analysis of innovative approaches to future social workers training at foreign universities. We found that the key elements of innovative approaches to teaching are the relationship between knowledge and skills that guarantees the efficiency of educational process. The forming in students-future social workers learning abilities and skills (e.g., critical and creative thinking skills) during their training in higher education are basic educational goals of the educational process.The analysis of basic models of future social workers training in HEIs in Ukraine and abroad suggests different approaches to the construction of the training system. So, the system of professional training of future social workers in Ukraine is built on the so-called cascade methodology. Applying this principle makes changes in the classroom impossible. Foreign future social workers training systems are more inherent in the so-called agile methodology – that is the methodology of flexibility. Thanks to the agile methodology in the educational process the implementation of various innovative approaches to training of future social workers in universities is possible.In the context of the research study it is analyzed the problems the peculiarities of using of inquiry-based, problem-based and self-regulated learning approaches to the educational process of the students of specialty "Social work" in universities abroad and highlighted the possibility of their using in the educational institutions of Ukraine. Inquiry-based learning approach is understood as a process of searching for the truth, information or knowledge, their understanding or awareness and possibility of their using in future careers.The problem-based learning approach is a form of educational process that is oriented on the creation and deciding by students real problematic situations in the learning process. Self-regulated learning approach is an innovative approach that involves students in learning of new strategies, knowledge and motivation.

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