
Volunteer work is difficult to characterize as easy, as it requires people to take a lot of responsibility, energy costs, emotional inclusion and the ability to quickly adapt in situations of increased complexity. There is a growing need to study the characteristics of volunteers’ sustainability. The aim of the article. The purpose of the article is to envisage volunteer activity in Ukraine as a manifestation of social activity of citizens in the context of determining the relationship between sustainability, value orientations and emotional burnout in volunteers as individual mental structures. Research methods. The psychodiagnostic toolkit consisted of the following techniques: the method of diagnosing the level of emotional “burnout” according to V. Boiko for studying the components of “emotional burnout” (tension, resistance, exhaustion), O. Kokun’s questionnaire “Professional vitality” in the context of revealing the components of vitality (control, inclusion, acceptance of a challenge (control, commitment, challenge)) and M. Rokych’s questionnaire “Value orientations” to outline the rank list of volunteers’ values. The results of the research. Involvement of volunteers in various events and programs changes their value priorities from the values of personal life (love, happy family life, productive life) to the values of self-realization and moral responsibility (interesting work, material status, honesty, tolerance, etc.). One of the important factors is the formation and development of civic competence. Conlusions. According to the results of the research, it was determined that participation in volunteer activities contributes to the development of the professionalism of the future social worker, such values as tolerance, patience, an active lifestyle, responsibility. Personal qualities that need to be developed and improved play an important role in this process. Волонтерську роботу складно охарактеризувати як легку, оскільки вона вимагає від людей великої відповідальності, енергетичних витрат, емоційної включеності та здатності швидко адаптуватися до ситуацій підвищеної складності. Зростає потреба у вивченні характеристик стійкості волонтерів.

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