
The paper is devoted to the actual problem of studying professional reflection as the necessary psychological and pedagogical mechanism of professional self-perfection and self-actualization of a social teacher, which manifests itself in the ability of a specialist to take an analytical position in relation to himself and his professional activities, one of the criteria for the formation of which is the readiness for the implementation of this activity. The purpose of the work is to justify and highlight the ways of implementing innovative activity in shaping the professional reflection of a social teacher. Methods of research: theoretical analysis of sources on the problem of professional reflection in the structure of innovative activity of social pedagogues. The model of the structure of professional reflection is described, the main components of it and the expediency of their application in professional activity are determined. The paper considers the conditions that contribute to the effective development of the social teacher's reflection. It is proved that in the structure of innovation activity reflection acquires a system-forming character, becoming a personal basis for the professionalism of a specialist. Innovative activity is realized in the practice of professional social pedagogical training by introducing a set of measures related to updating the contents of the mentioned training, applied methods and means and causing an appropriate influence on all aspects of the readiness of the future social teacher to pedagogical activity in a modern higher educational school. The basis of the work are theoretical methods: analysis and study of psychological and pedagogical, methodological and special literature, information sources on the research problem; analysis of innovative educational decisions of the higher school.

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