
The urgency of the research is conditioned by the social order of society, the needs of the labor market and the rapidly developing economy in the information environment. The application of new areas of computer graphics form a professional competence of an increasing number of teachers of vocational training, which must be able to organize and carry out professional activities. The purpose of the article is to justify approaches to the formation of the content of the course «Basics of Computer Graphics», which has a professional direction for learning this discipline. The main methods used in the study are divided into the theoretical (study of scientific and pedagogical literature, general and special works on pedagogy, analysis of textbooks and methodological manuals), empirical (observation, study and generalization of creative experience), statistical method in order to increase the validity of conclusions. The current state and problems of studying computer graphics in the process of training of future teachers of vocational training are analyzed. Attention is focused on the new approach to the formation of the content of the course «Basics of Computer Graphics», which has a professional direction for further mastering of educational disciplines of professional training. Practical recommendations for the reorganization of traditional forms of educational work in teaching discipline are proposed. The necessity of constant communication of graphic and special professional disciplines is substantiated. Action algorithm and a list of recommendations are defined, which is to increase the level of efficiency of student training, taking into account modern education requirements.

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