
Teachers were forced to employ a range of information and communications technology (ICT) and music technology in the online context from 2020. This article focuses on an Australian national study ‘Re-imaging the future: Music teaching and learning, and ICT in blended environments in Australia’. In 2021, we collected data using an anonymous survey (N = 105) a limitation, therefore generalizations cannot be made. Findings discuss: What professional learning (PL) experiences did teachers seek to engage with to develop their practice? What aspects of their digital teaching practice did they prioritize and seek to develop as music educators? What types of software and resources did they employ to facilitate their online teaching? Teachers’ insights suggest customized PL should focus on pedagogy, learning design, delivery and assessment to improve student outcomes. The DELP (device, software and tools; environment; learning focus and pedagogy) quadrant is recommended to guide adaptive PL development, with a focus on specific devices, software and tools to support effective professional growth. Reconnecting teachers through PL is critical to enhance their knowledge and skills. These are essential drivers as educational institutions seek to nurture and sustain teacher confidence and competence in the current COVID-19 landscape.

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