
Professional ethics in public accounting represents a fundamental pillar in the practice of this discipline. This article examines the key fundamentals and applications of ethics in this field, highlighting its importance for the responsible and trustworthy practice of accounting. Ethics in accounting are not only based on universal principles of integrity, honesty, and transparency, but also on specific regulations and codes of professional conduct that regulate the ethical behavior of public accountants. The ethical implications in financial decision-making are discussed, where accuracy, impartiality and truthfulness in accounting reports are crucial to maintain the trust of stakeholders. In addition, case studies and common ethical dilemmas in the accounting profession are discussed, highlighting the need to address these challenges with a sound ethical approach and professional responsibility. The article explores how professional ethics goes beyond regulatory compliance, influencing the reputation and credibility of the CPA and the profession as a whole. It concludes by highlighting the importance of continuous education in ethics, fostering a culture of ethical responsibility to strengthen integrity and the positive impact of public accounting on society.

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