
Obstetric clinical practice, innovation, and research should be guided by professional ethics in obstetrics. In this chapter, the authors distinguish professional medical ethics from medical ethics and bioethics. They set out an ethical framework for obstetrics based on the invention of professional medical ethics by two eighteenth-century physician-ethicists, John Gregory (1724–1773) and Thomas Percival (1740–1804). Professional ethics in obstetrics appeals to the ethical principles of beneficence and respect for autonomy and the ethical concept of the fetus as a patient. This framework is deployed to provide ethically justified, practical guidance about two ethical challenges in obstetric practice: the professionally responsible role of nondirective counseling of pregnant women about induced abortion and the professionally responsible role of directive counseling about planned home birth. This framework is also deployed to provide ethically justified, practical guidance about professionally responsible obstetric innovation and research for fetal benefit.

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