
The article deals with the problem of Russian education digitalization. The digitalization of all social and economic spheres is a very fast process. Digital changes are like a rapid tsunami. Scientists and specialists in the field of physical culture and sports pay considerable attention to the application of new innovative technologies in physical culture and sports training, including the introduction of new technologies in various educational programs. Currently, most universities are equipped with computer classes, interactive whiteboards and other multimedia equipment; they can use digital technologies and tools for educational purposes. A large number of electronic educational resources, interactive environments, collections of video, audio resources, aggregator platforms, automated information systems, etc. have been developed and successfully used in the education system. The purpose of the article is to study the problem of digitalization of education and personnel support in the sphere of physical culture and sports. Using the example of physical culture, we show options for implementing digital technologies in the training and competition process, as well as consider the transformation of the personnel structure of physical culture and sports in the era of digitalization of society. The paper uses methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of research data.

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