
ABSTRACTUsing the 2013 Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) data, this study explored the relationship between professional development (PD) and teacher efficacy. In particular, the analysis focused on how 4 aspects of PD (format, content, duration, and quality) are statistically related to the overall as well as the 3 subscales of teacher efficacy in classroom management, instruction, and student engagement. This study found PD programs (a) in the formats that promoted job-embedded, inquiry-oriented, and collaborative learning and (b) that offered contents for curriculum, instructional skills, school management, and technology were statistically correlated with the overall as well as the subscales of teacher efficacy in a positive way. As for PD duration and quality, this study found the length of PD and teacher-perceived quality of PD were positively associated with some of the 4 teacher efficacy variables.

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