
The following paper discusses the actual task of modern technical specialist training: getting him/her ready to communicate professionally in a foreign language. Practice requests are naturally reflected in the development of curricula and programs of higher professional education. The author demonstrates the urgency of the task in connection with the constantly changing foreign language professional communication, especially computer-mediated part of it. The author identifies two main approaches to the organization of studies at the university: changing the structure, content, methods of the course Foreign Language and the development of new courses of the curriculum. Within the framework of the second approach, the process of designing an educational and methodical complex for a professional communication course on the basis of a process approach is considered in some detail. The paper emphasizes the importance of using professional skills of prospective specialists to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, in particular, the development of copyright audio and video materials. The workshop for audio engineers, developed by the author of the paper, is successfully used in the educational process of Samara State Institute of Culture.


  • structures of educational systems is the formation of cultural characteristics of the individual

  • which reflects the mentality of society

  • the structure of physical culture values can be represented by a group of material

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Target development and justification of established theories, technologies, and structures of educational systems is the formation of cultural characteristics of the individual at all stages of continuous education, which reflects the mentality of society and the state (as a result) – development of the value-oriented «overbiological» programs of human activities, knowledge, abilities and skills of their practical and creative use. ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЕ ОБЩЕНИЕ НА ИНОСТРАННОМ ЯЗЫКЕ: НЕКОТОРЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИЯ ПРАКТИКУМА ДЛЯ БАКАЛАВРОВ Для этого обозначаются два основных подхода к организации обучения студентов в вузе: изменение структуры, содержания, методики учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» и разработка новых дисциплин учебного плана. В рамках второго подхода достаточно подробно рассмотрен процесс проектирования учебно-методического комплекса для курса-практикума профессионального общения на основе процессного подхода.

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