
The ar cle deals with the psychological and pedagogical problem of teachers’ professional burnout. The essence of the concept of “teachers’ professional burnout” is described as a complex of symptoms that manifest themselves through exhaus on, the forma on of nega ve a tudes towards others, the development of nega ve a tudes towards themselves, their professional achievements. The author iden fies the components of professional burnout: emo onal exhaus on associated with a sense of emo onal desola on and fa gue, which occurs during excessive workload, when the emo onal resources of the teacher’s personality are exhausted; depersonaliza on - the tendency to develop a nega ve a tude towards the person; reduc on of professional achievements, manifested in the experience of incompetence and failure of its ac vi es. The stages of teachers’ professional burnout are specified: at the first stage, the levels of func ons execu on, arbitrary behavior (forge ng certain moments, that is, failures in memory, failures in certain motor ac ons) are defined; at the second stage there is a decrease interest in professional ac vity, need for communica on, increased irritability; the third stage - personal burnout, which is characterized by a complete loss of interest in work and life in general, emo onal indifference, a sense of constant lack of power, the teacher seeks for loneliness. Determined the factors influencing teachers’ professional burnout: organiza on of educa onal process, peculiari es of professional ac vity, working situa ons, communica on, personality characteris cs. It is proved that pedagogical burnout of a teacher is the result of complex interac on of all these factors. Determined the classifica on of stressors having an influence on the professional ac vity of the teacher. A compara ve analysis was performed between the burnout of the teacher and the stressors of the teacher’s profession. The influence of teachers’ professional burnout on the course of the pedagogical process and on the development of the student’s personality is determined as that impedes the crea on of facilita on atmosphere.

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