
The topic of occupational health is among the top priorities in the general list of tasks assigned not only to psychology, but also requiring solutions at the state level. One of the most relevant directions in this field is the study of psychological mechanisms that resist industrial stress and professional burnout. The article presents the results of a large-scale empirical study of employees of large industrial enterprises belonging to different professional spheres and industries, namely: energy engineering (St. Petersburg, 50 people); production of oil and gas equipment (Kurgan, 50 people); electrical industry (Ryazan, 50 people); automotive industry (Nizhny Novgorod, 61 people). The subject of the study was professional burnout and coping strategies of the individual, creating a model of overcoming behavior. The aim of the study was to identify the coping strategies of the individual, both contributing to burnout and reducing the risk of burnout. Methods used: the questionnaire of K. Maslach and S. Jackson "Professional burnout" (adaptation of Vodopyanova N.E.) and the questionnaire of R. Lazarus "Methods of coping behavior". When processing the results, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the presence of relationships between the burnout characteristics and the coping strategies used. The results of the study show that professional burnout was diagnosed in employees of all the studied enterprises, while there was a specificity in the degree of severity of individual indicators of professional burnout in employees of enterprises of different industrial spheres. The dominant strategies of coping with stress were determined, and the correlation analysis helped to identify those coping strategies that contribute to reducing professional burnout. In addition, as a generalization of the results of the study, the authors proposed a model of coping with the stress of employees of industrial enterprises.

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