
Introduction. The article reveals the importance of the canine units of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in ensuring the country's security. The purpose of the scientific research is a detailed study of the content and features of the professional activities of dog handlers with the subsequent construction of a professionogram as the most important element of high-quality training of specialists.Materials and Methods. The research materials were literary sources and the current practice of training dog handlers. During the study, general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis; generalization and specification; systematization and structuring of information. The authors analyze empirical studies, which reveal that a service dog has no analogues in terms of psychophysiological capabilities in solving operational and service tasks facing the department. As a result of studying the specialized literature, it was revealed that the leading activity of the canine service is the implementation of operational search and investigative actions. The second direction includes solving problems related to maintaining and saving a service dog. An equally important area of professional activity for dog handlers is leadership and mentoring.Results. Based on the results of the work carried out, a professiogram of a dog handler specialist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was built, which is based on the concept of professional development of E.F. Zeer and his model of a prospective professionogram. The novelty of the study lies in the description of all structural elements: passport, specifics of personnel training, characteristics of leading activities, psychogram. The authors substantiate the importance of identifying the main substructures of a specialist’s personality (professional orientation, professionally significant qualities, professionally important qualities and psychophysiological properties), which acted as its main elements.Discussion and Conclusions. The professiogram proposed by the authors reflects the dynamics of changes in the leading activity of an individual at different stages of professional development, which allows for psychological support of the process of professional training of a dog handler of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

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