
Pochodzący z Podlasia XIX-wieczny uczony, profesor Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego, a następnie kolejno Charkowskiego, Kijowskiego oraz Moskiewskiego, Ignacy Daniłowicz pozostawił po sobie bogatą i wartościową spuściznę naukową. Prawnik i historyk z wykształcenia, przejawiał też niemałe zdolności językoznawcy i paleografa zafascynowanego językiem ruskich dokumentów do dziejów Litwy. Pracę z nimi niewątpliwie ułatwiała mu znajomość podlaskiej mowy. Główna uwaga w tekście skupiona została na sposobach transponowania na alfabet łaciński Latopisu supraskiego, który powstał na początku XVI wieku jako tekst cyrylicki. Analiza zastosowanych przez Daniłowicza rozwiązań w zakresie transliterowania samogłosek i spółgłosek pokazała dobre opanowanie warsztatu paleografa mimo braku przygotowania językoznawczego.


  • Profesor Ignacy Daniłowicz i jego spuścizna paleograiczna

  • The analysis of the solution used by Daniłowicz in terms of the transliteration of vowels and consonants reveals a good command of the palaeographer’s toolkit in spite of the lack of linguistic training

  • A lawyer and historian by education, Daniłowicz showed considerable linguistic and palaeographic skills and was fascinated with the language of Rus’ documents pertaining to the history of Lithuania, the work with which was undoubtedly facilitated by his knowledge of the Podlasie dialect

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Lilia Citko

Profesor Ignacy Daniłowicz i jego spuścizna paleograiczna. Uwagi na marginesie transliteracji „Latopisca Litwy i Kroniki Ruskiej”. Ignacy Daniłowicz, the 19th century scholar from Podlasie, a professor at the Vilnius University, successively, at the Kharkiv University, the Kiev University, and the Moscow University, left behind a rich and valuable scholarly legacy. The intention of the author of the article is to revive the memory of the igure of one of the great residents of Podlasie of the 19th century – Ignacy Daniłowicz – a highly valued by his contemporary scholars professor at the Vilnius University, successively, at the Kharkiv University, the Kiev University, and the Moscow University. A lawyer and historian by education, Daniłowicz showed considerable linguistic and palaeographic skills and was fascinated with the language of Rus’ documents pertaining to the history of Lithuania, the work with which was undoubtedly facilitated by his knowledge of the Podlasie dialect. His works, recording and archiving the speech and proper names of the inhabitants of the lands crossed by the Narew (cf. i.a. Sajewicz, 2002, 2013), are at the same time a continuation of the work of the generation of Podlasie residents that already at the beginning of the 19th century made the effort of researching and describing the history of the nations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth

Main Facts from the Biography of Daniłowicz
ЛЂтописець великых князеи литовъскых Lietopisiec Wielikich Kniazej
Daniłowicz is characterised by considerable awareness in his approach to such
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