
DR. WALTER HERZ, professor of physical chemistry in the University of Breslau, died on Sept. 7, aged fifty-five years. From the Chemiker-Zeitung we learn the following particulars of his life. Herz was a native of Breslau and at the University of that city he studied under Ladenburg, who quickly recognised his ability both as an original worker and as a teacher. Under Ladenburg's direction, it was only natural that Herz should direct his attention first to organic chemistry, but after graduation his interests in other branches of the subject were awakened by F. W. Kiister and R. Abegg. Under their influence he began to devote himself to investigations in physical chemistry, particularly to problems of solubility, chemical equilibria, partition coefficients, viscosity, and critical states. In 1903 Ladenburg appointed him first assistant in the Chemical Institute at the University of Breslau. In 1909 he was transferred to the Pharmaceutical Institute, but in 1919 he returned to the University as director of the department of physical chemistry in the Chemical Institute. Herz was the author of numerous volumes, the best known of which is his “Leitfaden der theoretischen Chemie”. In conjunction with Abegg he compiled a “Chemisches Praktikum” and with Gadamer a work on chemical toxicology. He succeeded Ahrens in editing the Sammlung chemischer und chemisch-technischer Vorträge.

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