
The article gives the main results of scientific and educational activities of a prominent and well-known scientist in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement, hydrogen energy, development of methods and technologies for the use of renewable energy sources, environmentally efficient projects, head of the Department of Nuclear Power Plants and Renewable Energy Sources of Ural Federal University (UrFU), Honored Power Engineer of Russia, Full Member of the International Energy Academy, Dr. Tech. Sciences, Professor Sergei Shcheklein. It is shown the achievements of the Ural Scientific and Methodological School in this area of knowledge, as well as the history of the creation of the first in Russia Department of Energy Saving at UrFU, the Center for the Training and Certification of Specialists in the Field of Energy Saving, the Regional Educational and Methodological Center for Energy Saving. The results of the work of the Interuniversity Coordination Council on Energy Saving in educational institutions of the Ural Region under the Regional Energy Commission of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region on the implementation of the Energy Saving Program of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 1999–2005 are described. The article expounds twenty years of experience in organizing and holding all-Russian, and recently – international student olympiads, youth scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity of students, graduate students and young scientists on energy and resource saving, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy. We have presented some results of scientific research of the laboratory “Eurasian Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Saving”, created and operated under the guidance of prof. Sergei Shcheklein and described briefly the textbooks published in recent years in the field of hydrogen energy, on the safe use of nuclear energy at modern and promising nuclear power plants, the development of a methodology for calculating complex energy systems based on the use of renewable energy sources, the classification of renewable energy clusters, performed in collaboration and under the guidance of prof. Sergei Shcheklein. Moreover, references to the main federal and regional regulatory documents, scientific publications and educational publications related to the scientist's many years of work in this area, scientometric indicators are given.

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