
LUCIUS TRANT O'SHEA, professor of applied chemistry in the University of Sheffield, who died suddenly from cerebral haemorrhage on April 18 at sixty-two years of age, was educated at the Grammar School and at Owens College, Manchester, and went to Sheffield in 1880 as assistant lecturer and demonstrator in chemistry at Firth College. In 1890 he became lecturer in mining chemistry, and in 1905 professor of applied chemistry, in the university. For the past twenty years he had specialised in the study of explosives as applied to mining operations, and of the coking of coal in retort ovens. He also did much work on the safety of coal mines, particularly with regard to the effect of the gases given off by the coal and of coal dust on explosions in mines. He was a fellow of the Chemical Society, a member of the Society of Chemical Industry, and hon. secretary of the Institute of Mining Engineers.

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