
PROF. CHIBNALL will be succeeded in October next by Prof. F.G. Young,who will thus be leaving University College London, after having held the chair of biochemistry there since 1945. During the War the Biochemical Department of University College was evaculated from London, and one of his main tasks on appointment in 1945 was to super-intend its return and to adapt it to post-war needs.This he has done with conspicuous success. Not only have the laboratories been more or less completely re-equipped, but also the teaching provided has been brought up to date by the introduction of a new course leading to the degree of M.Sc. in biochemistry. Prof. Young's research interests are in the sphere of carbohydrate metabolism, and brief mention of his activities to 1945 was made in a previous note (Nature, 156, 471 ; 1945). His outstanding achievement has been the production of permanent experimental diabetes in animals by injection of anterior pituitary extracts, and he has subjected the whole question of pituitary control of the insulin-secreting function of the pancreas to close and skilful experimental analysis. The value of his work was recognized recently by his election to the fellowship of the Royal Society. Under Prof. Young's vigorous leadership, the Biochemical Department at University College has become once again a flourishing centre for teaching and research, and his pending departure will be viewed by his colleagues there with great regret. He goes to Cambridge with an established reputation, and he carries with him the good wishes of his numerous friends at home and abroad.

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