
The aim of this work was to study the effect of different doses of carbon dioxide (CO2) and potassium (K2O), applied through drip irrigation, at the yield and quality of cantaloupe melon (Cucumis melo L.), hybrid Bônus II, cultivated in greenhouse. 19-day seedlings were transplanted to beds. They were spaced out 1.1 m x 0.3 m apart from each other and vertically directed up to 2.0 m of height. The treatments resulted from combinations of four K2O doses and four CO2 doses applied during the crop. K2O irrigation and application were carried out during four days. CO2 irrigation and application were carried out during two days. 45 CO2 irrigation, 33 CO2 applications and 19 K2O applications were totalized. Results showed that (a) based on a quadratic relation, the number of melon marketable fruits had a significant increase when CO2 and K2O doses were also increased; (b) there was no significant effect of CO2 on the average fruit weight. However, there was a significant quadratic effect for K2O; (c) based on a quadratic relation, when there was an increase of CO2 and K2O doses, the total and commercial melon yield also increased; (d) CO2 and K2O application through irrigation increased the water efficiency usage; (e) there was significant effect of CO2 on the total acidity, on the soluble solids content and on the flesh pH. However, there was no effect of K2O; and (f) K2O application affected significantly the melon flesh thickness and the fruits transversal and longitudinal diameters. CO2 application affected the flesh thickness and firmness.


  • Introdução A crescente demanda por alimentos de qualidade, especialmente para os produtos hortícolas, requer o uso de tecnologias que possibilitem a obtenção de altas produtividades, economicamente viáveis, e que atendam aos padrões exigidos pelo mercado

  • Results showed that (a) based on a quadratic relation, the number of melon marketable fruits had a significant increase when CO2 and K2O doses were increased; (b) there was no significant effect of CO2 on the average fruit weight

  • There was a significant quadratic effect for K2O; (c) based on a quadratic relation, when there was an increase of CO2 and K2O doses, the total and commercial melon yield increased; (d) CO2 and K2O application through irrigation increased the water efficiency usage; (e) there was significant effect of CO2 on the total acidity, on the soluble solids content and on the flesh pH

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Global Partículas

Trinta dias após a calagem, fez-se a adubação de plantio aplicando-se 240,0 kg ha-1 de P2O5 na forma de termofosfato Yoorin master (17,5% de P2O5, 0,10% de B e 0,55% de Zn) e 30,0 Mg ha-1 de esterco bovino curtido. Foi feita nova análise do solo, obtendo-se os resultados apresentados na Tabela 2. O trabalho foi conduzido em 4 estufas agrícolas com cobertura em arco, orientadas no sentido lesteoeste, com 3,0 m de pé-direito, 7,0 m de largura, 17,5 m de comprimento e 4,7 m de altura na parte mais alta. As fachadas laterais e frontais foram envolvidas com tela de polipropileno branco de 1 mm. As fachadas frontais possuíam janelas para liberar o ar quente que se acumulava no alto e, nas laterais, instalaram-se cortinas com um sistema de manivela para permitir o fechamento e a abertura sempre que necessário. O teto foi coberto com filme plástico de polietileno transparente de 150 micras, com tratamento anti-UV. Utilizaram-se 4 estufas, cada uma com uma dose de CO2.

Antes da adubação de plantio
Distribuição da produção de frutos
Número de frutos
Produtividade total de frutos
Produtividade comercial do meloeiro
Causas de variação
Região de produção racional
Eficiência do uso de água
Qualidade física dos frutos comerciais
Qualidade química dos frutos comerciais
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