
Rails are subjected to the processes of wear, corrosion and contact and bending fatigue during their lifecycle. As a result of these processes, various types of damage and defects are formed in rails. The residual life of rails depends on the size, position, and orientation of defects. Maximum permissible crack-size values are calculated in this paper using the finite element method. The crack plane orientation relative to the contact surface plane is analysed. The dependence of the stress intensity factor on the crack area is established. This allows continued use of defective rails and safe operation on low-activity railways.


  • Research PaperRails are subjected to the processes of wear, corrosion and contact and bending fatigue during their lifecycle

  • Railway track is an important part of the infrastructure, and its technical condition provides for general safety of traffic

  • A rail defect is characterized by deviation of its geometric parameters or strength from established specifications, provided that the rail operates in accordance with specified operating conditions

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Research Paper

Rails are subjected to the processes of wear, corrosion and contact and bending fatigue during their lifecycle. The residual life of rails depends on the size, position, and orientation of defects. The dependence of the stress intensity factor on the crack area is established. This allows continued use of defective rails and safe operation on low-activity railways. Prethodno priopćenje Dmitry Ovchinnikov, Alexey Bondarenko, Lei Kou, Mykola Sysyn. Produljenje uporabljivosti tračnica u slučajevima oštećenja njihove glave Tračnice su tijekom svoje uporabe izložene procesima trošenja, korozije i kontaktnog zamora uslijed savijanja. Nastavak uporabljivosti tračnica ovisi o veličini, položaju i smjeru oštećenja. U ovom su radu izračunane maksimalno dopuštene vrijednosti veličine pukotine metodom konačnih elemenata. Ključne riječi: željeznička pruga, oštećenja tračnice, metoda konačnih elemenata, pukotina. Vorherige Mitteilung Dmitry Ovchinnikov, Alexey Bondarenko, Lei Kou, Mykola Sysyn

Verlängerung der Verwendbarkeit von Schienen bei Schäden des Schienenkopfes
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