
Coping with covid-19 has changed relationships in the various living environments, impacting, mainly, less economically and socially wealthy families. The purpose of this article was to discuss the productions of vulnerabilities in the scenario of the covid-19 pandemic, and the possible relationships with necropolitics instrumentalized by governmentality. This is a reflective theoretical study, based on the reference of necropolitics, by Achille Mbembe; and biopower, by Michel Foucault. Data were collected from Scientific Electronic Library Online – SciELO; the Virtual Health Library in Latin America and the Caribbean – LILACS and the Virtual Health Library – BVS; Web of Science and Pubmed. The results show that, in the pandemic scenario, the productions of vulnerabilities are mediated by the biopsychosocial impacts caused by the coronavirus, however, coping policies such as social isolation imposed as a restrictive measure of contagion capillarized its effects. It is concluded that the impacts of the Covid 19 pandemic surround the most vulnerable groups, not only due to the symptomatic effects caused by the virus, but also due to the machinic arrangements of neoliberalism and all its rhizomatic fabric that produces vulnerabilities. Thus, although the challenges are printed, attention is drawn to the importance of involving the population in the construction of public policies with a view to monitoring processes and preventing necropolitics instrumentalized by governmentality from becoming a trend.

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