
Objectives: The objective of the investigations to develop technologies for producing dairy and meat products using vegetable raw materials for enriching them with physiologically functional ingredients. Methods: The methods of the investigations are represented by standardized and generally accepted research practices and also by special methods applying modern instrumentation and information technologies, including such methods as gas chromatography and microscopic examination. Statistical processing and verification of the results were carried out applying the programs of Microsoft Office 2010 for Windows, Compass Graphic, MathCAD, version 16.0, software MultiChrome Origin 7.5 (Origin Lab, USA), Protein and Generic 2.0 (Russia). Findings: The study develops the processes as follows: Technology for manufacturing fermented milk drink produced of whole milk using kefir inoculums and syrup of dandelion and linden flowers; technology for manufacturing frozen curd uncooked products using low oil raw material expression products; technology for manufacturing fermented milk ice cream made with syrups of briar and sea buckthorn berries and also the technology for producing inoculums based on pure cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus , Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Bifidobacteria ; recipes of rolls “Izyskaniy” with mushrooms and “Osobiy” with dried apricots; recipes of thermally treated convenience meat products with added press cakes of low oil raw materials; recipes of low fat sausages. As a result of combining raw materials of animal and vegetable origins the nourishing and biological values of traditional product mix increase. This helps improve digestion and body resistance against negative factors of the environment. Applications/ Improvements: The suggested recipes and technologies make it possible to solve the problems of reprocessing vegetable and animal materials in the complex, feasible and environmentally safe manner in closed production cycle.

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