
The production of clean, healthy and high quality agricultural products is becoming increasingly important. In modern wheat agriculture, research with biological and biodynamic preparations is increasingly presented. With the common variety of winter wheat Venka 1, a study was conducted in the period 2019 - 2020 on carbonate, chernozem soil type, in the experimental field of Agricultural Institute Shumen. The experiment is based on the block method, in four replications with the size of the experimental plot 10 m2. Sowing was carried out in October with a sowing rate of 500 sprouts / m2 after the predecessor sugar flower. In the appropriate periods, treatments were made in 4 variants: 1) Control – untreated variant; 2) Treatment with biodynamic preparations: Preparation 500 + Fladen preparation + preparation 501; 3) Treatment with biological preparations: Heliosulfur + Free N; 4) Combined treatment with the same biodynamic and biological preparations. After the readings of the biometric indicators and the statistical analysis for the first year of the study, a proven positive difference was found in the variant treated with biological preparations on the length of the spike, number and weight of grains per spike. In the second year, a proven positive difference was obtained in the variants treated with biological and biodynamic preparations and in their combination on the length of the spike, number and weight of grains per spike. A difference in the number of spikelets per spike was substantially demonstrated only in the variant treated with biological preparations in the second year of the study. For a proven positive effect in the variant treated with biodynamic preparations, technological time is needed in order to show the real effect of their action on the yield in wheat.

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