
Legume tree One of the crops that may function as a viable source of animal feed and be utilized for land reclamation on former mining sites. Ex-tin mining land, which is widely spread in Indonesia, has the potential to transform to productive agricultural land, as long as the land is given sufficient inputs through land rehabilitation. The legume tree has drought resistance, hence limiting its potential for development on many types of land, including post-tin mining areas in the Bangka Tengah District of Bangka Island. The objective of this research is to assess the adaptation of two legume tree species in post-tin mining environments. The research was completed throughout the period from 2017 to 2020. Experiments using Randomized block design (RBD) with two different species of treatments, were repeated a total of five times. Two species tested were (1) Leucaena leucocephala cv Taramba, and (2) Indigofera zollingeriana. Data growth and yield components are harvested every three months and yield is subjected to analysis using the Duncan test at a significance level of 5 %. The research result indicated that all of the tested two species of legume tree were well-adapted to post-tin mining in Bangka Tengah District, Bangka Island. The fresh yield of L.leucocephala cv Taramba was higher (9.1 %) than I.zollingeriana but the quality was similar, so the two species can be developed on post-tin mining areas as forage material for an animal in Central Bangka District, Bangka Island.

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